U.N. Climate Panels Admits Dutch Sea Level Flaw

OSLO (Reuters) – The U.N. panel of climate experts overstated how much of the Netherlands is below sea level, according to a preliminary report on Saturday, admitting yet another flaw after a row last month over Himalayan glacier melt...

Utah Delivers Vote Of No Confidence For ‘Climate Alarmists’

The US’s most Republican state passes bill disputing science of climate change, claiming emissions are ‘essentially harmless’

Carbon dioxide is “essentially harmless” to human beings and good for plants. So now will you stop worrying about global warming?

Utah’s House of Representatives apparently has at least. Officially the most Republican state in America, its political masters have adopted a resolution condemning “climate alarmists”, and disputing any scientific basis for global warming…

VIDEO: Is US a police state?



The US now has a list of Americans that the country can now murder abroad if they are fraternizing with terror groups. Paul Craig Roberts says that all of this points to a sign that the United States has become a police state.

Obama Attorneys Argue For Warrantless Cell Phone Tracking

This is not change that privacy advocates can believe in.

A US appeals court began weighing Friday whether police should be allowed to track citizens through their cellphones without first obtaining a warrant…

Aspartame Has Been Renamed And Is Now Being Marketed As A Natural Sweetener

Source: NaturalNews

In response to growing awareness about the dangers of artificial sweeteners, what does the manufacturer of one of the world’s most notable artificial sweeteners do? Why, rename it and begin marketing it as natural, of course. This is precisely the strategy of Ajinomoto, maker of aspartame, which hopes to pull the wool over the eyes of the public with its rebranded version of aspartame, called “AminoSweet”.

During The Olympics, The Feds Will Be Reading Your Tweets And Blotter

DHS Is Monitoring Social Media and Web Sites for Terror and Disaster Info

As the winter Olympics begin, the Department of Homeland Security has disclosed that it will be monitoring the comments and posts on websites and social media like Twitter for information on possible terror threats. Among the sites listed in a privacy impact statement filed Friday afternoon by DHS are the Drudge Report, the Huffington Post, Twitter, Google and this web site, the Blotter…

NeoCon, Judas-Goat Glenn Beck Ambushes Debra Medina

Medina strikes back after 9/11 comments

One day after Republican candidate for governor Debra Medina’s insurgent campaign hit a speed bump, she’s striking back. After comments on Glenn Beck’s radio show Thursday that seemed to support 9/11 conspiracy theories, she says she was set up by her opponents.


Caller Angus Calls Out Glenn Beck On His BailOut Hypocrisy

Beck is again shown up for the fraud he is.


With Glenn Beck leading the charge, mainstream media swarms on TX Gov. candidate Medina for not disavowing 9/11 Truthers

Today, in a move that illustrates exactly why Glenn Beck has painstakingly tried to portray himself over the past year as some kind of man of the people while hosting a show on the infamous Fox News Channel that cheered the War in Iraq, he turned an interview with Debra Medina, a candidate for the TX Governer seat, into a PR ambush on her and the 9/11 Truth movement.


Fort Worth 912 President Comes Out In Support Of Medina

I was born in Dublin, Ireland 38 years after the 1916 Easter Rising in which a band of Irish patriots rose up against oppressive British rule of their country. After an initial success in taking over the Dublin General Post Office, the rebellion eventually failed. The leaders, heroes to the Irish people, were summarily executed.


Perry Supporters Caught Posting Fake Pro-Medina Comments on Dallas Morning News

It is a clear violation of the terms of service.


Manufactured Controversy Backfires As Vast Majority Back Medina, Attack Glenn Beck

The attack dog corporate media, in cahoots with loathsome phony neo-con crybaby Glenn Beck, are once again attempting to manufacture reality by smearing Debra Medina for expressing a view shared by the vast majority of Americans in an effort to purge her from the Texas gubernatorial race.


Don’t trust Glen Beck, he is bought and paid for controlled opposition

He betrayed us because thats his job. He is an agent of disinformation and he is also what is called Controlled Opposition.


Glenn Beck Blows His Cover

Glenn actually tried to put words in Medina’s mouth and didn’t even bother to listen to the substance of what she had to say.


NEOCON GUERRILLA’S IN THE MIDST: Glenn Beck’s Take-down of Debra Medina

Were it not clear before yesterday in the manner which Glenn Beck sandbagged and set a trap for surging Texas gubernatorial candidate Debra Medina who was rising in the polls and closing in on establishment insiders Rick Perry and Kay Bailey Hutchinson, it should be clear now that Glenn Beck is an inside job, an establishment status quo shill masquerading and posing as a revolutionary.


Human Microchips Seen By Some As In Virginia House As Device Of Antichrist

RICHMOND, FEB. 9 — The House of Delegates is scheduled to vote Wednesday on a bill that would protect Virginians from attempts by employers or insurance companies to implant microchips in their bodies against their will…