Open Letter To Debra Medina

Open Letter To Debra Medina

Via E Mail
Feb 24, 2010

Comment: This is the tone of many of the emails we are receiving, people are upset with Medina’s comments. We would like to offer Medina a chance to clarify what she said and apologize for how she characterized 9/11 truthers. We hope such a clarification will be forthcoming this week.


Dear Ms. Medina,

We are writing you today to express our sincere regret regarding the statements you made on the Mark Davis radio show towards the “despicable” 911 Truth Movement. After careful consideration, we have decided to ask for a refund for the time, effort, energy, and money that we ‘despicable radicals’ have wastefully donated to your campaign. You see Debra, we 911 truthers really didn’t care about your feelings toward this movement, as your supposed cause of limited government, your campaign against the transgressions against our civil liberties and your promotion of less taxation, are answers that most of us ‘truthers’ know are necessary in order to restore the Republic. Your recent comments though, prove that you can’t be trusted and after careful consideration, we have decided that we want a refund.

The most pressing issue in all of this is that you have done a complete 180 on your stance towards the issue of 911. There are numerous interviews where you simply said that the questions regarding 911 were “valid” and that you supported the rights of the citizenry to question Government no matter how hard are pressing the question or issue might be. These answers were good enough for us. No one in this so called ‘despicable’ movement ever pressured you to come out one way or the other on this issue because we simply didn’t care. The only thing we wanted to know is that we had a true Constitutionalists that had a chance to win the Governorship of the State of Texas, that’s it, nothing more. And for that, we were willing to support you in every way that we could, but now, in light of recent events, have decided that we would like a refund.

Perhaps you aren’t aware that there are numerous examples of Government carrying out false flag attacks on America. Certainly you know about that the Reichstag Fire was a false flag event , don’t you? You might have heard about another False Flag, the Gulf of Tonkin? If you dig even deeper you might find a document called “ Operation Northwoods ” where the joint chiefs of Staff promoted blowing up an aircraft full of students and blaming it on Cuba in order to go to War. Knowing that our Government and others have a history of pulling such stunts, how then can you claim our cause is despicable when the official story doesn’t add up from the get go? Maybe you missed the fact that at least 6 of the 911 Commissioners have questioned if the Citizens of the United States were told the whole story regarding the events of that fateful day. Perhaps you aren’t aware that 1,000 Architects and Engineers have put their careers on the line signing a petition saying that collapsing buildings don’t behave the way they behaved on 911, unless of course, they were helped down with demolition. The qualities displayed by these Architects and Engineers are the qualities that build character and trust, not the flip flop tactics recently employed by you and your campaign. Did I mention that we would like a refund?

When Glenn Beck sabotaged you on his show, we were your strongest supporters. The blowback Beck received from our efforts and endless campaign against him since that show, proved that we “despicable” truthers are a force to be reckoned with. We are the true activists, we are the real grass roots, and you will find that we were the major funders and supporters of your campaign, not mainline Neo Cons that have co-opted the Tea Party Movement, and now, it seems, have also co-opted you. Since we don’t support co-opted individuals, could you find it in your heart to be so polite and give us a refund?

We activists are in need of funding so that we can support real issues and real candidates. We are confident that you will comply with our request as holding on to funds given from such a despicable bunch would be horribly for you politically. You certainly don’t want to be associated with such a radical group of souls, so your decision should be an easy one. We actually feel sorry for you and your new advisors, you really could have won this race. You can keep our blood sweat and tears, but our money – we want it back!

We will leave you with two quotes –

” In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot. ” – Mark Twain

“If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”—Samuel Adams


A Concerned Movement – Former Medina Supporters

Works Cited:

1. Wikipedia Entry – Reichstag Fire –

2. Report Reveals Vietnam War Hoax –

3. U.S. Military Wanted To Provoke War With Cuba –

4. MSNBC Reprint – Alleged Hijackers May Have Trained at U.S. Bases –

5. 911 Commission Members Doubt Official Story

6. 1,000 Architects and Engineers Have Signed Petition…

7. 911 Truther Controversy Makes Hypocrite of Glenn Beck –

Sanchez To Medina: ‘You Say You’re Not A Truther. Are You A Birther?’

CNN’s Rick Sanchez Tuesday grilled Texas gubernatorial candidate and Tea Party activist Debra Medina about her positions concerning America’s role in the 9/11 attacks as well as whether or not Barack Obama was born in the United States.

Did Rick Perry’s Clear Channel Connections Sink Debra Medina?

Last week, I argued that Debra Medina was set-up by Glenn Beck and Rick Perry (“Gut Reaction: Team Rick Perry Used Glenn Beck to Attack Debra Medina”). As you’ll recall, Medina was skyrocketing in the polls — it was certain she would force a runoff, and becoming increasingly possible that she would be in that runoff herself. For Medina, a quick appearance on Glenn Beck’s radio show probably seemed like a terrific idea — Beck’s constant promotion of extreme right-wing views appealed to the type of people who were supporting Debra Medina.

But Medina was not talking to Glenn Beck the activist — because there is no such thing. Especially not when Beck’s boss is such a major supporter of Rick Perry. According to the Texas Ethics Commission, Clear Channel CEO and Chairman Lowry Mays has donated almost $300,000 to Rick Perry.

VIDEO: Sarah Palin 9/11 Truther controversy explodes

Sarah Palin 9/11 Truther Controversy Explodes

Days after Debra Medina’s rising bid for Texas Governor was stung by controversy over comments about 9/11 on the Glenn Beck Show, it has emerged that former Vice Presidential candidate and “Tea Party’ darling Sarah Palin has done her one better– stating her support for a new 9/11 investigation just before the 2008 election, and going far beyond Medina’s mild statement.

Yet, it isn’t the audacity to admit there are remaining questions about 9/11 when scientific polls have found that 84% of Americans do not believe the official story and six of the ten 9/11 commissioners think their own report is flawed, or worse. Instead, it is the hypocrisy of Glenn Beck and the media cretins who followed his lead in dismissing and defaming Medina outright for not immediately belittling 9/11 truthers and ignoring similar statements by GOP darling Sarah Palin.

Furthermore, Medina’s GOP challengers– incumbent Rick Perry and Sen. Hutchison blasted her in the media within mere minutes of her 9/11 comments.

Sitting Governor Perry, who was endorsed by Sarah Palin during a recent stump appearance, stated that Medina’s comments were an “insult”: Todays comments were an insult to the thousands of Americans who lost loved ones on Sept. 11 and the military men and women who are overseas protecting our country, Perry said in a statement. President Bush worked tirelessly to protect our nation from additional terrorist attacks and anyone who would suggest Sept. 11 is a conspiracy involving the Bush administration should be ashamed.
Will Gov. Rick Perry also rebuke Sarah Palin, his top endorsement, for her potentially “insulting” statement?
Further, Medina is not the only gubernatorial candidate to question the events of 9/11. Democrat Farouk Shami went quite a bit further than anything Medina had said when he stated:

People have talked about it. Professors have written books about it. People overseas talk about it. Whenever I go overseas, people ask me these questions about it. Why are we questioned about it? Do they know something we dont know, the public? But you know, look, we still dont know who killed JFK whose behind it, lets put it that way. Would we ever find the truth about 9/11? Thats a very dangerous subject to get into, you know? So its hard to make judgement. Im not saying yes or no. Because I dont know the truth.
Yet no fuss is made about these individuals. Debra Medina is attacked, however, because she truly is a threat to the political establishment. Perry, Hutchison, Beck and others pretend to want limited government, but really support new taxes, look the other way at corporate looting and otherwise refuse to stand for true Texas sovereignty and the rights of individuals. When Medina proves that she really will change things and challenge under Federal powers, she is attacks and cast aside as a pariah.

Glenn Beck, who has stated that he “hates the 9/11 victim’s families”, who has called 9/11 truthers “dangerous anarchists”, who has called Ron Paul and his supporters ‘domestic terrorists’, has gone out of his way to politically assassinate anyone even loosely affiliated with questioning the official government account of September 11. Now that Beck has underhandedly tried to sabotage Debra Medina, will he also call out fellow FOX News personality Sarah Palin for daring to broach the subject that makes him come unglued?

Link: Palin new investigation…

After all, Glenn Beck went so far as to say that Medina’s comments about 9/11 not only urge him to ‘cross her off the list’ but constitute to make her a “Flat Earther.” By contrast, Glenn Beck gave Sarah Palin a worshipful welcome to the FOX Network, embarrassingly comparing her to George Washington, reading aloud his diary entry anticipating their interview together, putting her “on the most admired list” and otherwise urging her to be a ‘reluctant’ candidate in 2012.

Glenn Beck, Like Debra Medina, Has Questions About 9/11

Hypocritical shill exposes himself once more

Glenn Beck has once again proven himself as a hypocritical corporate media shill with his efforts to demonize Debra Medina for having questions over 9/11. Beck seems to have forgotten that just six months ago on his own TV show he filled an entire segment with questions about a 9/11 cover up, adding that he had questions of his own.

“I have questions myself. I had many questions after 9/11.” Beck stated on his 3rd September 2009 show…

@Glenn Beck What Are The Dangers Of 9/11 Truthers

Your Debra Medina attack really got me asking why it was a top priority for you to “expose” her “9/11 truther” connections.

You even asked:

“Do you have advisors that advise you or people that are around you that are 9/11 Truthers? … Would you, if you found out that there were, would you disavow them like the president should have but I mean, he escorted them out in the middle of the night.” Benedict Arnold Glenn Beck

It’s enough to get me wondering if these truthers are a “National Security Threat” or what hideous crimes they may have committed against the U.S. of America.

Glenn, you seem pretty on top of this, besides “thought crimes”, what are the crimes or “threats posed” by “9/11 truthers” to the country or yourself?

It’s a good question… huh, Glenn?…

Palin, Beck: Judas Goats Against The Freedom Movement

Economic Policy Journal – Debra Medina has been presenting a solid free market/live and let live campaign for the Republican nomination for governor of Texas. She is now well into double digits in the polls. She may not win the Republican Primary (this time), but she has provided a great litmus test as to who is for real as far as loving liberty and who is a fraud.

On the national level we can now identify two more people who clearly are infiltrators of the live and let live philosophy, and are attempting to take control of the freedom movement to keep it safely in the hands of the power elite…

NeoCon, Judas-Goat Glenn Beck Ambushes Debra Medina

Medina strikes back after 9/11 comments

One day after Republican candidate for governor Debra Medina’s insurgent campaign hit a speed bump, she’s striking back. After comments on Glenn Beck’s radio show Thursday that seemed to support 9/11 conspiracy theories, she says she was set up by her opponents.


Caller Angus Calls Out Glenn Beck On His BailOut Hypocrisy

Beck is again shown up for the fraud he is.


With Glenn Beck leading the charge, mainstream media swarms on TX Gov. candidate Medina for not disavowing 9/11 Truthers

Today, in a move that illustrates exactly why Glenn Beck has painstakingly tried to portray himself over the past year as some kind of man of the people while hosting a show on the infamous Fox News Channel that cheered the War in Iraq, he turned an interview with Debra Medina, a candidate for the TX Governer seat, into a PR ambush on her and the 9/11 Truth movement.


Fort Worth 912 President Comes Out In Support Of Medina

I was born in Dublin, Ireland 38 years after the 1916 Easter Rising in which a band of Irish patriots rose up against oppressive British rule of their country. After an initial success in taking over the Dublin General Post Office, the rebellion eventually failed. The leaders, heroes to the Irish people, were summarily executed.


Perry Supporters Caught Posting Fake Pro-Medina Comments on Dallas Morning News

It is a clear violation of the terms of service.


Manufactured Controversy Backfires As Vast Majority Back Medina, Attack Glenn Beck

The attack dog corporate media, in cahoots with loathsome phony neo-con crybaby Glenn Beck, are once again attempting to manufacture reality by smearing Debra Medina for expressing a view shared by the vast majority of Americans in an effort to purge her from the Texas gubernatorial race.


Don’t trust Glen Beck, he is bought and paid for controlled opposition

He betrayed us because thats his job. He is an agent of disinformation and he is also what is called Controlled Opposition.


Glenn Beck Blows His Cover

Glenn actually tried to put words in Medina’s mouth and didn’t even bother to listen to the substance of what she had to say.


NEOCON GUERRILLA’S IN THE MIDST: Glenn Beck’s Take-down of Debra Medina

Were it not clear before yesterday in the manner which Glenn Beck sandbagged and set a trap for surging Texas gubernatorial candidate Debra Medina who was rising in the polls and closing in on establishment insiders Rick Perry and Kay Bailey Hutchinson, it should be clear now that Glenn Beck is an inside job, an establishment status quo shill masquerading and posing as a revolutionary.