The Internet is abuzz with comparisons of the “strikingly similar” logos of the U.S. Missile Defense Agency and the ubiquitous Obama 2008 campaign.

Is this Logo-gate?

The Internet is abuzz with comparisons of the “strikingly similar” logos of the U.S. Missile Defense Agency and the ubiquitous Obama 2008 campaign.

The Missile Defense Agency, which is part of the Defense Department, now features a circular red, white and blue logo on its Web site that has been characterized in some reports as “scarily” similar to President Obama’s former campaign symbol. Others have noted that it has a crescent and star design, evoking a common symbol for Islam.

VIDEO: Controlled Geithner press conference shuts out Infowars, censors real questions

VIDEO: Red Beckman Seminar

This is from A seminar hosted by L.A. Law man which Red covers our civil duties and jury duties Also the the solution to today’s coruption in the courts and political system.

Blackwater Used Shell Company To Defraud US Government

Blackwater set up a shell company to “defraud the government” by leading it to believe it wasn’t contracting with the notorious security contractor, investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill says.

“In Afghanistan, they set up this shell company, Paravant, in collaboration with mammoth war giant Raytheon, which held the prime contract” for training Afghan security forces, Scahill told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.

“And they set up this contract to try to hide the fact that the Pentagon was once again hiring Blackwater, this firm that’s been under investigation by practically every federal entity in the United States,” Scahill continued. “It’s a shell company that was used to essentially defraud the government by convincing the Army that Blackwater was not getting the contract, but this company Paravant.”…

Indoctrination In Education…East German Style

Follow The Rules, Comrades…Or Else

OSPREY – Stephany Fournier, an 11th-grader at Pine View School, did not want to punish her fellow classmates, but it had to be done. They defied the law.

I’m normally a nice person, but I have to be really firm with these people,” Stephany said. “They must come in, sit down and write this line on paper, front and back.”

The line: “I will serve the glorious East German state better.”

The students copied it repeatedly after watching a propaganda film depicting the evils of Western culture.

The drill was part of a history lesson taken to an elaborate level Tuesday at Pine View, where Stephany and the rest of the 2,000 students participated in an interactive lesson commemorating the fall of the Berlin Wall 20 years ago.

“This was a project of the history club, and their idea was that students should really have an idea of what it was like to live in a communist state,” said social studies teacher Patricia Johnston, who helped organize the project and served as the lead “comrade.”…

UKIP Would BanAl Gore Film In Schools

Al Gore’s global warming film would be banned in schools under plans by the UK Independence Party (UKIP) to court the climate sceptic vote.

…Following a number of scandals around the science of climate change, UKIP are promising to launch a Royal Commission led by a High Court judge to investigate whether global warming is man-made.

Pending the results of the commission, the party, that has no MPs at the moment, have promised to build new fossil-fuelled power stations to meet energy demands and scrap subsidies for wind farms. Global warming ‘propaganda’ like the Al Gore film Inconvenient Truth will be banned in schools and public authorities will not be allowed to spend money on climate change initiatives.

A recent poll found the just one in five people believe climate change is man-made, compared to one in three a year ago

Beware Of McCain’s Freedom Destroying Dietary Supplement Regulatory Bill

…The point here is that these are all FDA-approved drugs being advertised and used extensively. Drugs that can cause serious diseases like lymphoma. Drugs that can kill. The FDA’s dismal safety record is well documented; even PBS ran a Frontline special that investigated and exposed the FDA’s unsafe drug record, the influence of Big Pharma inside the FDA, and lack of long-term testing and medical review of many, many dangerous drugs. The FDA seldom removes a drug from the market even after it proves to be harmful or deadly, however they do post quarterly reports with details of the latest potentially dangerous side effects of drugs currently under investigation.

Nonetheless, Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) wants this same FDA, with its dismal safety record, to regulate dietary supplements. The Dietary Supplement Safety Act (DSSA), S. 3002 (text of this bill posted on Senator McCain’s website), that McCain has introduced with one cosponsor, would repeal key provisions of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) to “more effectively regulate dietary supplements that may pose safety risks unknown to consumers.” …

Cryptome Case Reveals How Easy It Is To Shut Down Websites

Earlier this week, Microsoft had the whistle-blower website Cryptome erased from the Web. All the sprawling transnational corporation had to do was file a DMCA notice alleging copyright infringement on Cryptome’s proprietor John Young and Network Solutions did the rest — it locked up Cryptome’s domain name, thus disappearing the site from the Web. Cryptome had posted a Microsoft surveillance compliance document that the transnational corporation gives to law enforcement agents seeking information on Microsoft users.

No court ruling was required. Microsoft merely instructed Cryptome’s ISP to pull the plug…

Senate Passes Short-Term Patriot Act Reauthorization

The Senate passed by voice vote Wednesday night legislation that would temporarily extend three Patriot Act provisions set to expire at the end of this month.

The bill would keep in place the Patriot Act’s “lone wolf,” business records and “roving wiretap” powers until Feb. 28, 2011. The House has yet to consider the measure.

Both the House and Senate had begun work on long-term renewals, but the bills contained major differences.

The Senate Patriot Act bill would reauthorize all of the authorities. The House version would renew the records and “roving wiretap” powers but not the “lone wolf” authority, which the government has never used. The bills also would include new oversight for the authorities…

ADL’s New Public School Hate Bill

The Anti-Defamation League is determined to establish federally-enforced promotion and protection of homosexuality in America’s primary and secondary public schools. This year ADL repeatedly boasted it was the driving force behind the pro-homosexual federal hate crimes bill. Now ADL is making another attempt to sodomize America. Their latest legislative poison is called The Student Nondiscrimination Act of 2010