Arrest Stokes Concerns About Radicalized Muslims

WASHINGTON — The arrest in Yemen of a New Jersey man accused of joining Al Qaeda is the latest in an alarming string of cases involving radicalized American Muslims, a trend some experts link to the duration of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Yemeni authorities said this week that the American, Sharif Mobley, 26, who had worked for six years as a laborer at nuclear plants in New Jersey, had been arrested last week in Sana, the Yemeni capital, in a sweep of militants tied to the Yemeni branch of Al Qaeda and the Somali movement Al Shabab.

Taken to a hospital for medical treatment, Mr. Mobley was said to have grabbed a security guard’s gun and shot two guards, one of them fatally, before being subdued, Yemeni officials said…

[Webmaster – Note how in this, and the next three articles, the corporate mainstream media is beating the drum to demonize Islamic people and fear monger using the “Al Qaeda bogeyman”…a CIA creation and asset.]

Paulin-Ramirez’s Actions Raised Mother’s Concerns

LEADVILLE, Colo.—Slumped on her couch with her cigarettes, her fading photographs and her memories, Christine Holcomb-Mott said she no longer knew what to believe.

Her 31-year-old daughter, Jamie Paulin-Ramirez, had been taken into custody in Ireland, linked to an alleged plot to kill a cartoonist who satirized the Prophet Mohammed.

Mrs. Holcomb-Mott hadn’t talked to her daughter in days. She didn’t know whether she had a lawyer, a court date, an explanation. But her daughter’s behavior over the past few months, including she says, possible correspondence with a foreign national who wanted to take flying lessons in the U.S., unnerved her…

U.S. Woman Held In Ireland Plot Had Been Isolated From Family

LEADVILLE, Colo. — An American woman, who family members fear may have become a radicalized Muslim, was detained in Ireland this week in connection with a plot to assassinate a Swedish cartoonist.

The woman, identified by her mother as Jamie Paulin-Ramirez, 31, had become increasingly cut off from her family here and had been spending more time on the Internet since converting to Islam around last Easter, her relatives said.

After dressing in traditional headscarves, praying at a mosque in Denver and meeting with associates she had likely befriended online, Ms. Paulin-Ramirez — accompanied by her then 5-year-old son, Christian Carreon — had gone to live in Ireland in October, her mother, Christine Mott, said in an interview at her home here on Saturday. She said that she had been told that her daughter had been detained in Ireland, and that her grandson was in the custody of Irish officials…

First ‘JihadJane,’ Now Colorado Woman Held In Death Plot

Federal officials confirmed Saturday that a second suburban American woman had been apprehended in connection with a plot to kill a Swedish artist who angered the Muslim world with a derogatory drawing of the prophet Mohammad.

But authorities cautioned that Jamie Paulin-Ramirez, a blond-haired mother, may have been motivated by love for an Algerian Muslim man rather than by terrorist urges when she traveled to Ireland for a rendezvous in September.

Paulin-Ramirez, 31, of suburban Denver, was taken into custody by Irish police last week on the same day that U.S. prosecutors unsealed a criminal indictment against another fair-haired American woman who allegedly used the Internet handle “JihadJane” to recruit people to further the plot…

Southern Poverty Law Center Takes Aim At Camp FEMA & Others

Is the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) running damage control for the Federal government? In Popular Mechanics denial fashion, its Spring 2010 newsletter and newest article are all but rejecting the widespread evidence about FEMA camps and they are taking potshots at a new documentary that includes information about FEMA. Considering the plummeting approval rating of the new President and Congress, the government must be feeling the pressure of anxiety among US citizens, especially with the outright anger caused by last year’s “leak” of the now-infamous MIAC (Missouri Information Analysis Center) report, the CNN attack piece on the Oath Keepers, and the fall 2009 release of the new film Camp FEMA, it seems likely that damage control is exactly what is going on.

After reading the recent rhetoric by SPLC, I think one has to ask, “What is an organization that is ‘dedicated to fighting civil rights and bigotry’ doing suppressing information about the interning of US citizens and FEMA’s roll?” After all, “FEMA camps,” as they are endearingly referred to by many, are for relocating US citizens from their homes in cases of Government-declared national emergency. Shouldn’t the “civil rights” group be advocating the rights of free US citizens to STAY in their homes, if they so chose? Also, how does the film, Camp FEMA, figure as a hate or bigotry-filled film? For that matter, how does the position of the Oath Keepers and Restore the Republic fall into that category?

IRS Investigates Flurry Of Threats Against Its Workers And Facilities

Threats against Internal Revenue Service workers and facilities continue to pour in after last month’s plane crash at agency offices in Austin, according to union officials. The pilot and an IRS employee died in the crash.

IRS watchdogs are investigating more than 70 reported instances of inappropriate comments made to agency workers by taxpayers, National Treasury Employees Union President Colleen M. Kelley said Wednesday. Workers have received a mix of inappropriate verbal comments — including jokes or statements of support for pilot A. Joseph Stack — and more serious threats, she said…

IRS Cranks Up Hysteria In Wake Of Joe Stack Attack

According to the CIA’s favorite newspaper, The Washington Post, threats against the IRS “continue to pour in after last month’s plane crash at agency offices in Austin, according to union officials.”…

Google To Shut China Search Engine

has drawn up detailed plans for the closure of its Chinese search engine and is now “99.9 per cent” certain to go ahead as talks over censorship with the Chinese authorities have reached an apparent impasse, according to a person familiar with the company’s thinking.

In a hardening of positions on both sides, the Chinese government also on Friday threw down a direct public challenge to the US search company, with a warning that it was not prepared to compromise on internet censorship to stop Google leaving…

Citibank Exposes 600,000 Customers’ Social Security Numbers

Ralph Remakel received a Citibank letter postmarked Feb. 16 that notified him of a recent Citibank error. It turns out he wasn’t the only one.

In late January, Citibank mailed year-end tax statements to 600,000 Citi customers via the U.S. Postal Service that included the customers’ Social Security numbers … on the outside of the envelope.

Citi called the mistake a “processing error.”…

Detroit Family Homes Sell For Just $10

Family homes in Detroit are selling for as little as $10 (£6) in the wake of America’s financial meltdown.

The once thriving industrial city has suffered a dramatic decline following the global economic crisis.

According to Tim Prophit, a real estate agent, the crisis has led to a unprecedented portfolio of homes, but they are failing to sell.

He said there were homes on the market for $100 (£61), but an offer of just $10 (£6) would be likely to be accepted…

President Obama Backs DNA Test In Arrests

President Barack Obama’s embrace of a national database to store the DNA of people arrested but not necessarily convicted of a crime is heartening to backers of the policy but disappointing to criminal-justice reformers, who view it as an invasion of privacy.

Others also worry the practice would adversely affect minorities.

In an interview aired Saturday on “America’s Most Wanted,” Obama expressed strong agreement as host John Walsh extolled the virtues of collecting DNA at the time of an arrest and putting it into a single, national database…