Dingell: It will take some time for ObamaCare to "control the people"



From WJR’s Paul W. Smith show, a Freudian slip from Rep. John Dingell. Smith asked why we’re waiting for 2014 to cover people, and Dingell said this in his defense:

“Let me remind you this [Americans allegedly dying because of lack of universal health care] has been going on for years. We are bringing it to a halt. The harsh fact of the matter is when you’re going to pass legislation that will cover 300 [million] American people in different ways it takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to control the people.”

Because controlling the people is what it’s all about.

The Healthcare Bill Was Always About Gaining More Control

If there was any doubt as to the American People not having true representation in Congress, I hope the passage of this bill makes it crystal clear. One of the latest polls leading up to the vote found that as high as 87% of the people were against it.

Even though the majority of people from all political persuasions were against Socialized medicine, many were not aware of the more egregious assaults on our liberties that were contained in this monstrosity. It was never about health care! It was about further control of our lives. Let us cover the real dangers contained in this bill, the things that mainstream media will not widely report on, if at all.

I want to first state as I have in past articles that the States don’t have to play ball and abide by this unconstitutional act. Congress was supposed to handle matters between the States and between us and foreign countries. State Legislatures were supposed to handle matters within a State and We The People were to be the ultimate authority. The Constitution is very clear that no Federal Government was to have supreme power over the States. They were supposed to decide separate types of matters, therefore not causing conflicts between the two Obviously, trying to fight the health care bill made the popular misconception of having a supposed supreme federal government even more evident. Our founding fathers set up a Republican form of government, not a Democracy where the majority rules or a central government is the supreme law of the land. In a Republic, the Constitution is the law of the land and ours insures rights and guarantees of each individual citizen.

With all that said, if your State feels compelled to submit to this health care bill, let us now cover what is hidden in it that most are not talking about or don’t even realize.

  1. It is not free.
  2. It is mandatory payments of premiums which will not only be enforced by the IRS, but will give the federal government open and unfettered access to every American’s bank accounts.
  3. If your State had fought off the intrusion of a National ID card, this bill contains a National Medical ID card planned to have an RFID chip in it. It’s purpose is to tie together your health records, bank accounts, financial records, criminal history and can track your movements throughout the country.
  4. Any health care plan that you currently have can be determined by the new federal health care commission to be not adequate and force you or your employer to change to whatever plan the federal authority dictates to you. The consequences of not changing are fines, forced payments and even possible jail time.
  5. All medical privacy is officially gone.
  6. It is mandatory to have a health care plan deemed by the federal government to be appropriate. If you are young, healthy and don’t want it……too bad! All Medicaid eligible will be automatically enrolled and your income records and intrusion applies.
  7. Your health care will be rationed.
  8. The Commission will decide what treatments can be performed and if they are cost-beneficial.
  9. The government will decide your “end of life” plans and deem whether it is cost effective to do treatment or what matter of death would be appropriate.
  10. All doctors will get paid the same regardless of medical specialty causing many doctors to leave the profession.
  11. Employers that are self-insured will be audited.
  12. Employers must cover part-time employees.
  13. Government will restrict enrollment and care of “special needs” individuals.
  14. 15 new taxes or “fees” imposed on employers and individuals.
  15. Prohibition on hospital expansions.

Yes, this bill is “historic” but not for the reasons touted in mainstream media. I would advise contacting your State Representative and Governor to urge your state to ignore or block this ridiculous take over of not only medical care, but our civil liberties.

Riyadh Says Arrests Militants Planning Oil Attacks

RIYADH, March 24 (Reuters) – Saudi Arabia said on Wednesday it had arrested 113 al Qaeda militants including suicide bombers who had been planning attacks on energy facilities in the world’s top oil exporter. The interior ministry said its sweep, among the biggest in several years, netted 58 suspected Saudi militants and 52 from Yemen, which jumped to the forefront of Western security concerns after a failed attack on a U.S.-bound jet in December…

U.S. Aviation Security Pick Favors Israeli Model

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama‘s nominee to oversee security at U.S. airports said on Tuesday he wants to shift screening closer to the Israeli model to include more behavior detection in a bid to thwart terrorism plots.

Retired Major General Robert Harding was nominated earlier this month to head the Transportation Security Administration after serving more than three decades in the military, including a stint as deputy to the Army’s chief of intelligence and director for operations in the Defense Intelligence Agency.

Aviation security has received heightened attention in recent months after a Nigerian man tried to blow up a U.S. commercial airliner flying from Amsterdam to Detroit last Christmas with a bomb hidden in his underwear.

Harding said that while the Israeli security system was smaller, it offered a blueprint for trying to thwart terrorism plots in the aviation system, which has remained a target for militant groups like al Qaeda.

“We should move even closer to an Israeli model where there’s more engagement with passengers,” Harding told the Senate Commerce Committee that is considering his nomination. “I think that increases the layers and pushes the layers out.”

He said the TSA had about 2,000 behavioral detection officers and that expanded training was needed.

The top TSA position has been filled by an acting administrator since Obama took office in January 2009. His first pick for the job, Erroll Southers, withdrew from consideration when Republicans questioned whether he would try to unionize the workforce that screens travelers and luggage at U.S. airports.

Southers also came under fire for testimony he gave to the Senate about a reprimand he received in the 1980s.

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, the top Republican on the Senate Commerce Committee, questioned Harding about the potential for the 48,000 screening officers unionizing.

“Previous TSA administrators have said that they would be very, very concerned about collective bargaining, not allowing the flexibility that you need to be able to deploy forces to a certain area of an airport or to a certain airport,” she said.

Harding said all sides agreed on the need for the TSA to have “flexibility” to move screeners quickly to respond to a crisis and that he and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano agreed security was the foremost priority.

“Again, we both agree, senator, that we would never bargain away security, but we probably also both agree that I would really need to do I think an in-depth and thorough review before I inform the secretary of my recommendation,” Harding told the panel.

Houston Police To Begin Training Officers To Staff Checkpoints

The Houston Police Department is poised to do what no other civilian police department in the United States has yet to publicly do. On the desk of the Chief of Police is the authorization to begin training officers to staff checkpoints at key infrastructure points throughout the city.

Although the talk about creating such a group has been discussed among supervisors of the Special Response Group for years, only in the last few months have those talks become reality. This idea received support of the former Chief of Police Harold Hurtt, but wasn’t signed before he retired on December 30, 2009 due to it being under review by departmental lawyers. Now under the just-named Chief of Police Charles McClelland, it stands ready to be signed and implemented almost immediately.

The Special Response Group, which was created in 1992 to deal with protestors at the Republican National Convention is the main crowd control unit in the Houston Police Department. They receive 40 hours of training annually in riot control and mass arrest scenarios. This group has a sub-group called the Hard Team, which receive an additional 32 hours of more intense training per year. This training includes pain compliance techniques, dispersal of chemical agents, rubber bullets, crowd control grenades, as well as many other less-lethal munitions. Now, the Hard Team is poised to get another sub-group called the Checkpoint Team…

Four City Vehicles Torched In Hemet

Four Hemet city code enforcement pickups were torched late Tuesday night, and police suspect the incident is related to three previous attacks on police officers.

The fires were reported to police at 11:30 p.m. off Florida Avenue at City Hall, across the street from the Hemet Police Department and the former Gang Task Force office that was targeted twice before. A Gang Task Force Officer was targeted in a third assassination attempt on his vehicle…

Mark Zaleski/The Press-Enterprise ATF agents investigate the scene where four city of Hemet code enforcement vehicles were set on fire in the parking lot behind City Hall.

Trucks Burned In Possible Threat To Calif. Police

HEMET, Calif. — Four city trucks were torched in a Southern California town plagued by booby trap attacks on police officers, and authorities said Wednesday the fires might be linked to the previous attempts.

The city code enforcement trucks were discovered burning at about 11:30 p.m. Tuesday at a Hemet City Hall parking lot about two blocks from the police department, authorities said. The trucks were empty and no one was hurt.

Although the trucks are not issued to police, investigators believe the arson is connected to threats and booby-trap attacks aimed at an anti-gang task force in Hemet, a desert city about 85 miles east of Los Angeles…

U.N. Health Organization Praised U.S. Reforms

(Reuters) – The head of the U.N. World Health Organization on Wednesday praised U.S. healthcare reforms signed by President Barack Obama this week as a breakthrough, stepping into a sharp domestic political debate...

[Webmaster – Anything the United Nations / World Health Organization praises indicates that it is following the globalist/internationalist agenda.]

Airport Device Follows Fliers’ Phones

WASHINGTON — Today’s smartphones and PDAs could have a new use in the nation’s airports: helping passengers avoid long lines at security checkpoints.

The Transportation Security Administration is looking at installing devices in airports that home in and detect personal electronic equipment. The aim is to track how long people are stuck in security lines.

Information about wait times could then be posted on websites and in airports across the country.

“This technology will produce valuable data that can be used in a variety of ways,” TSA spokeswoman Lauren Gaches said, noting it could help prevent checkpoint snarls.

But civil-liberties experts worry that such a system enables the government to track people’s whereabouts. “It’s serious business when the government begins to get near people’s personal-communication devices,” said American Civil Liberties Union privacy expert Jay Stanley…