Divorce Papers Of SPLC Founder, Morris Dees

Morris Dees, SPLC Founder: Molester of Step Children, Liar, Blackmailer, Wife-Beater, Sexual Pervert, Conman, Fraud and Scam — But That’s Just What His Family and Friends Say about Him

Morris Dees, founder of the “Southern Poverty Law Center” is a step child molester, liar, blackmailer, wife-beater, sexual pervert, conman, fraud and scam artist — according to his ex-wife and work colleagues.

Here are the divorce papers (download the original PDF here), submitted by his ex-wife Maureene during their public court battle (of course, the obligatory legal qualifier: these are her allegations, not mine. But that sort of nicety has never stopped the SPLC from publishing details about other people, has it?).

Morris Dees’ Divorce Papers

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