Infowars Reader Harrassed By Cops Over “Militia” Fears

An Infowars reader was stopped and harassed by Kansas Highway police on Thursday night for the crime of displaying political bumper stickers, with cops expressing fears of affiliations with “militia groups,” another frightening example of how police are being trained to treat any form of peaceful dissent as a sign of domestic terror.

Following the recent Hutaree militia raids, which were prompted after an FBI agent infiltrated the group and apparently got them to make vaguely violent statements, establishment propaganda has reached fever pitch with the manufactured threat such groups supposedly pose being hyped beyond all proportion in an effort to demonize all legitimate political dissent against big government as a sign of extremism.

“At 1:07am this morning, my daughter was traveling from Oklahoma to our house for an overnight visit with her two children,” writes Chris Harbert. “She has numerous bumper stickers on her car. There were two who seemed to catch the attention of a Kansas Highway Patrolman. One says that 911 was an inside job. The other says Live Free or Die. Both stickers were from infowars. The patrolman pulled her over and apparently asked for her DL and insurance.”

“She said he walked back to the back of the car and looked at the back of her car,” Herbert continues. “She said she could see him leaning over to look at her in her mirror and speaking on his radio. He was in his car for around 30 minutes. When he brought her documentation back, she said she asked him if she was going to be detained. She said he didn’t reply. He told her “Let this be a warning, people who have 911 bumper stickers are affiliated with militia groups.” She said she waited for him leave and then left the scene of the stop.”

People have been getting harassed by police over bumper stickers for years, in August 2008 we reported on how a couple in Las Vegas were stopped and had their car searched for the crime of displaying a Ron Paul bumper sticker, but the policy was really crystallized in the widely lambasted MIAC report, which demonized people who display bumper stickers alongside domestic terrorists such as Timothy McVeigh and advised Missouri police to be on the lookout for people displaying bumper stickers and other paraphernalia associated with the Constitutional, Campaign for Liberty, and Libertarian parties…

Kenyan Official: Obama Born Here

Kenyan MP James Orengo

A Kenyan lawmaker told the nation’s parliament last month that Barack Obama was born in Africa and is therefore “not even a native American.”

During debate over the draft of a new Kenyan constitution, James Orengo, the country’s minister of lands and a member of parliament for the Ugenya constituency, cited America’s election of a Kenyan-born president as an example of what can be accomplished when diverse peoples unite:

“If America was living in a situation where they feared ethnicity and did not see itself as a multiparty state or nation,” Orengo posited, “how could a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the president of America?”

Orengo held up the U.S. as a country no longer “living in the past,” since Americans elected a Kenyan-born president without regard to “ethnic consideration and objectives.”…

Homeschoolers Win Round Against United Nations

Homeschoolers have won a round in the long fight against the crackdown on family rights contained in the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child, but experts say they need to keep up their guard.

The convention, which is not yet ratified in the United States but has been adopted by numerous other nations, orders that children can choose their own religion with parents only having the authority to advise them, the government can override a parent’s decision regarding a child if a social worker disagrees, a child has a right to a government review of every parental decision and Christian schools would violate the law if they refused to teach children “alternative worldviews.”

And all corporal punishment, such as spankings, would be banned by law.

The conflict had arisen over legislation that was proposed in the United Kingdom, called the Children, Schools and Families Bill, that would have set into law many of the provisions and issues demanded by the U.N. plan…

Groups Protests Scanners At KCI

Airports across the country are adding body scanners for extra security, despite the controversial nature of the new technology.

Airports across the country are adding body scanners for extra security, despite the controversial nature of the new technology.

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Airports across the country are adding body scanners for extra security, despite the controversial nature of the new technology.

Many worry about privacy and how much of a person’s body shows up on the scanners.

Kansas City International Airport recently added one of the scanners to Terminal B.

On Saturday, the “Liberty Restoration Project” protested the new security measures.

“I would rather see the airport, rather the airlines, chose their own security,” said protester Gabe Gryder. “We prefer the government get out of the way of the airlines.

The Transportation Security Administration says that an officer located in a room away from the scanners views the images, which aren’t able to be saved.

Provocateurs Openly Announce Plans To Stage Tea Party Violence

With the establishment desperate to engender and exploit violence which will be used to demonize the Tea Party movement as an extremist mob, so-called anarchists are now openly declaring their intentions to pose as Tea Party members and stage violence in order to discredit populist grass roots organizations.

As we warned last week, leading anarchist groups have announced that they plan to “crash” the nationwide Tea Party protests on April 15, a promise that should not be taken lightly given the proven history of such organizations being infiltrated and steered by authorities to provocateur pointless mayhem and violence that serves as a justification for oppressing peaceful protest groups.

Now a new website called has appeared to act as a forum through which such activity can be planned. The website openly states its mission is to have people infiltrate and pose as Tea Party members and then carry out shameful acts in order to “dismantle and demolish” the Tea Party. The website is registered to a man named Josh Levin…

Will Mainstream Media Reporters And Editors Expose, Screen Out, Or Help Tea Party Saboteurs

Have you seen the “Crash the Tea Party” web site? It’s among the most illustrative expressions ever of the thirst on the Left to suppress dissent by whatever means are necessary. It is Saul Alinsky on steroids.

Whoever is behind the site claims that it represents “a nationwide network of Democrats, Republicans and Independents who are all sick and tired of that loose affiliation of racists, homophobes and morons; who constitute the fake grassroots movement, which calls itself ‘the Tea Party.'”

That’s another way of saying that most Americans are racists, homophobes and morons, since there is abundant and growing evidence that the Tea Partiers are more representative of the center-right conservative majority of Americans than President Obama…

Family Gets A Say On FBI Kennedy File

Courtesy given to protect kin’s rights before release

WASHINGTON — Edward M. Kennedy’s family will be given a rare opportunity to raise objections before the public disclosure of thousands of pages of the late Massachusetts senator’s exhaustive and secret FBI file, according to bureau officials and advisers to the family.

The accommodation, though uncommon, will help ensure that the release of material on Kennedy gathered by agents throughout much of his life will not violate the privacy rights of his surviving relatives, those involved in the process said…

A Rise In Violent Crime Evokes City’s Unruly Past

Teenagers flashing knives in a spate of high school stabbings. Two men murdered in a brawl aboard a downtown No. 2 subway train. Four people shot and 33 others arrested in late-night melees in Times Square that Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg described with a loaded term from the past: “wilding.”

It is impossible to know if the recent increase in violent crime in the city is legitimate cause for concern that the “bad old days” of crime may return, or if it simply represents a blip in a trend line continuing a descent of nearly two decades.

Homicides are up nearly 22 percent in 2010, compared with the same period last year. Shootings are up in the city, to 293 from 257, a 14 percent increase. And there are more victims of gunfire: 351 through April 4, up from 318 in the same period a year ago…

Lacking State Funding, Census Response Rates Lag

OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) – State and local governments hammered by the recession have cut spending on outreach for the 2010 U.S. Census, leaving hard-to-reach neighborhoods with response rates that may fall behind the count a decade ago, officials said.

The funding cutbacks have come at all levels, and at a cost.

California, for example, dedicated $24.7 million to the Census 2000 campaign. Although an undercount could cost the state billions in federal funding and a Congressional seat, this year’s outreach budget is only $2 million.

Two weeks into the count, the state’s census form return rates are about 10 percent behind the 2000 total, officials said, adding that the numerical disparity would be worse without the efforts of philanthropic and community-based organizations.

“We need to make a push to make sure we at least stay even,” said Louis Stewart, deputy director of California’s census outreach. “There is a lot riding on this count.”

More than $435 billion a year is distributed by the federal government to states based on census-driven funding formulas. California could lose about $3,000 a year for each resident not counted in the 2010 census…

Breast Cancer Drug Often Given For Fertility

Three in 10 women take the common breast cancer drug Femara to treat infertility, even though it could increase risks to the baby, U.S. researchers said on Friday.

They said the drug is often prescribed “off-label” to treat infertility, even though it is classified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as posing a pregnancy risk.

And a study of health claims suggests policies by health insurers to only pay for the drug’s approved uses could improve both the care and safety of the women who take it.

Novartis’s Femara or letrozole is approved to treat post-menopausal women who have hormone-receptor positive breast cancers, in which a hormone is driving the cancer…