Infowars Reader Harrassed By Cops Over “Militia” Fears

An Infowars reader was stopped and harassed by Kansas Highway police on Thursday night for the crime of displaying political bumper stickers, with cops expressing fears of affiliations with “militia groups,” another frightening example of how police are being trained to treat any form of peaceful dissent as a sign of domestic terror.

Following the recent Hutaree militia raids, which were prompted after an FBI agent infiltrated the group and apparently got them to make vaguely violent statements, establishment propaganda has reached fever pitch with the manufactured threat such groups supposedly pose being hyped beyond all proportion in an effort to demonize all legitimate political dissent against big government as a sign of extremism.

“At 1:07am this morning, my daughter was traveling from Oklahoma to our house for an overnight visit with her two children,” writes Chris Harbert. “She has numerous bumper stickers on her car. There were two who seemed to catch the attention of a Kansas Highway Patrolman. One says that 911 was an inside job. The other says Live Free or Die. Both stickers were from infowars. The patrolman pulled her over and apparently asked for her DL and insurance.”

“She said he walked back to the back of the car and looked at the back of her car,” Herbert continues. “She said she could see him leaning over to look at her in her mirror and speaking on his radio. He was in his car for around 30 minutes. When he brought her documentation back, she said she asked him if she was going to be detained. She said he didn’t reply. He told her “Let this be a warning, people who have 911 bumper stickers are affiliated with militia groups.” She said she waited for him leave and then left the scene of the stop.”

People have been getting harassed by police over bumper stickers for years, in August 2008 we reported on how a couple in Las Vegas were stopped and had their car searched for the crime of displaying a Ron Paul bumper sticker, but the policy was really crystallized in the widely lambasted MIAC report, which demonized people who display bumper stickers alongside domestic terrorists such as Timothy McVeigh and advised Missouri police to be on the lookout for people displaying bumper stickers and other paraphernalia associated with the Constitutional, Campaign for Liberty, and Libertarian parties…

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