Water CAN Make You Fat: How Chemicals In Drink Can Trigger Weight Gain And Fertility Problems

Can water make you fat? It sounds absurd, the kind of suggestion peddled by some New Age psycho-babble diet.

After all, can there be anything in our diet that equals the critically important role played by water in maintaining our health?

Water is the foundation of life, the major content of most organisms, the primary component of our cells and is responsible for aiding thousands of chemical processes in the body.

What is more, there is surely nothing more refreshing than a long, cool, sparklingly clear glass of water poured straight from the tap?

As a doctor of more than 20 years’ standing, the answer has to be a resounding no.

Yet when we do drink it, how many of us get the healthy water we deserve?

Thanks to the possible pollutants that are so difficult to remove from our water supply, it has been linked to a number of health complaints – and yes, it may even trigger weight gain…

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1261203/How-water-CAN-make-fat-chemicals-drink-trigger-weight-gain-fertility-problems.html#ixzz0lBvEXAke

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