Critics: Obama Admin Hyping Nuclear Terrorist Attack

U.S. officials say the claim is not based on new intelligence

The Obama administration is warning that the danger of a terrorist attack with nuclear weapons is increasing, but U.S. officials say the claim is not based on new intelligence and questioned whether the threat is being overstated.

President Obama said in a speech before the 47-nation Nuclear Security Summit, which concluded Tuesday, that “the risk of a nuclear confrontation between nations has gone down, but the risk of nuclear attack has gone up.”

The two-day meeting concluded with an agreement by participants to take steps to prevent non-state actors like al Qaeda from obtaining nuclear weapons, either through theft of existing weapons or through making their own with pilfered nuclear material…

‘3 Parent’ Kids

UK scientists have created “designer embryos” containing DNA from a man and TWO women.

The breakthrough gives hope of healthy children to couples with genetic disorders in their families.

It also offers the prospect of eradicating fatal genetic diseases.

But the procedure – dubbed three person IVF – sparked controversy last night…

How Did They Manage To Scrape By?

Believe it or not, the federal government operated for about 150 years without an income tax

Imagine opening your newspaper or Web browser and seeing the following headline: “Supreme Court declares income tax unconstitutional.” (Now imagine cleaning up the mess you made after reading this headline and doing a vaudeville “spit take” with your coffee.)

It probably seems farfetched, but America’s court of last resort dropped this very bombshell in 1895.

The legal battle represents just one chapter in the story of the federal income tax, which began in the Civil War era. Congress approved a version of the income tax in 1861 but neglected to set up the actual mechanics of collecting it. An unnamed staff historian for the Internal Revenue Service who researched the income tax’s history several years ago wrote that “the original deadline for filing income tax returns of June 30, 1862, established by this law came and went with no tax returns filed nor any tax collected.”…

NPR Changes Archive Regarding President’s Birth

Claims correction proper ‘since Obama was born in Hawaii’

National Public Radio has joined Snopes and UPI among websites that have changed their archives regarding Barack Obama to bring their stories into alignment, in NPR’s case eliminating a statement about the “Kenyan-born” senator “since Obama was born in Hawaii.”

WND reported recently when the archives of the subsidized broadcast outlet referenced Obama’s birthplace as Kenya and called him a “son of Africa.”

But the records were altered shortly after the WND story was posted, and NPR ombudsman, Alicia Shepard, has explained, “I would hope they would correct factually inaccurate information since Obama was born in Hawaii.”…

Officer Challenging Obama Reassigned

No charges yet for surgeon demanding eligibility proof

The U.S. Army says a surgeon who has publicly refused to follow any further orders until he sees documentation that Barack Obama is eligible to be president is being “reassigned” at Walter Reed Army Hospital after he refused to deploy to Afghanistan as scheduled.

Lt. Col. Terry Lakin is the highest-ranking and first active-duty officer to refuse to obey orders based on President Obama’s eligibility.

While there have been reports Lt. Col. Terry Lakin is facing an imminent court-martial, Army spokesman Chuck Dasey told WND today that Lakin is only “under investigation” at this point.

“Lakin reported to the commander, Medical Center Brigade, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, on Monday, 12 April, after failing to report for duty at Fort Campbell, Ky.,” a statement sent by Dasey to WND today said.

“Lakin will be assigned to duty at Walter Reed pending investigation.”

A spokeswoman for the case, Margaret Calhoun Hemenway, told WND that whatever the “assignment” amounts to, Lakin’s access privileges were revoked, his computer was confiscated and he “is not permitted to support his Hippocratic oath … and take care of the troops as a doctor and a surgeon.”

On the day he was supposed to have reported for deployment, Lakin was read his rights by Col. Gordon Roberts, his brigade commander, who discussed the situation with him and told him he had the “right to remain silent” because he was about to be charged with “serious crimes.”

Hemenway said the message was that “he will shortly be court-martialed for crimes (specifically, missing movement and conduct unbecoming an officer) that for others has led to lengthy imprisonment at hard labor.”…